Based on early estimates, economic activity closed 2012 on a mixed note. Though gross domestic product grew at 2.2 percent for the whole year, the fourth quarter results were disappointing, showing a 0.1 percent decline. A large 22.2 percent cut in … [Read more...]
REALTORS®’ Commercial Markets Gain Steam in Fourth Quarter 2012
Commercial REALTOR® markets posted accelerating growth in sales and leasing activity during the fourth quarter of 2012. Based on the results of the January Commercial Real Estate Market Survey, commercial practitioners closed the year on a more … [Read more...]
Fifty-seven Percent of Responding REALTORS® Report Rising Rents for Residential Properties
Higher residential rents compared to a year ago were reported by 57 percent of REALTORS® in September (55 percent in August), based on information from the REALTORS® Confidence Index survey. The data are additional confirmation of the recovery of the … [Read more...]