It’s your once-a-year chance to give your state representatives what-for — in person. It’s the Virginia Realtor® Day on the Hill, and it’s on February 6, part of GetActive, our legislative advocacy conference.
But wait, there’s more! This year we’ve added more education and more chances to get that continuing ed credit* you need — including a session from NAR past president Ron Phipps (!) on “Cross Generational and Cross Cultural Communication” (aka, how to talk to the young and old).
And then there are the regional caucuses (“cauci” for you Latin speakers), where you’ll have a chance to be heard about the issues affecting your local area.
In short, it’s your best chance to affect Virginia’s entire real estate environment — the business climate you have to work in every day.
Click here for more info, and to register for GetActive.
* Real estate related, broker management, legal updates, and elective!
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