Every year I write a melancholy post looking forward and back. However, I haven’t posted here on Musings since I took the job at NAR back in July. It’s an odd place to be, this blog being my labor of love, while also inextricably tied to the LoCoMusings team real estate business. It feels a bit odd for me to write here, now. But it still feels like home.
Obviously 2012 was a year of tremendous change for me. While I had started my career as a writer and public relations practitioner, I truly took a chance on myself (and NAR) by stepping into my new role… a role which in many ways takes me full circle, applying both my public relations/marketing/branding skills and my real estate industry chops. The move felt right at the time and still feels right now.
I’m grateful to my consistently supportive husband and family, who have always encouraged me to follow my dreams. They’ve stood by me even as those dreams often put me on airplanes to conferences and meetings far away. I’m also grateful to the readership here at Musings, for all the conversations and insights, and of course the opportunities to help you with your life transitions through real estate.
Going forward, into 2013, I have decided to keep the same New Year’s resolution from the last three years:
…to be myself, without apology, and to live and work without fear of failure, in anticipation of great success.
(I did write a piece for LinkedIn on retrospection and resolutions, if you’d like to read more.)
Wishing you and your families health, happiness, and success in the upcoming year. Thanks again for being part of our family.
The post It’s That Time Again… appeared first on VARbuzz.