What are your secret weapons in prepping a home prior to a showing and making it shine? Do you rub baby oil to make stainless steel shine? Or have you used kitty litter to try to remove oil stains on the driveway? As real estate and staging professionals, you’ve undoubtedly discovered several tricks of the trade in making a house shine and quick fixes to removing stains. Have you discovered a natural remedy for getting floors, faucets, windows, and mirrors to shine? What’s your trick for getting a more pleasing smell in your listing? What solutions have you found for removing stains?
Share your tricks of the trade in prepping a home for a showing! Your submissions will be considered for an upcoming article in REALTOR(R) Magazine. E-mail writer Melissa Dittmann Tracey, mtracey@realtors.org, and please include your staging tip as well as your contact information.