The first rule of marketing is “10% Different is 100% Better”. The question therefore becomes:
What makes you any different than other competitors in the marketplace?
You must decide what differentiates you from the next industry professional.
We are not talking about simple concepts like we give great customer service or we are really trustworthy. Everyone makes such claims. You are looking for the key that will truly set you apart from the competition. Once you make that decision, you have the first step in building your brand.
We believe strongly that the real estate industry has entered a new market reality. Today’s consumer is inundated with information.
House prices are up!
House prices are down!
Foreclosure inventories are surging!
Foreclosure inventories are shrinking!
Buyers and sellers are looking for the professionals that truly understand what is happening and why it is happening. They want to deal with someone they can trust to explain the opportunities and challenges that exist in today’s market whether they are buying or selling. Being seen as a true expert is the brand that will bring ultimate success in today’s ever changing real estate market. However, this will require work.
Remember, when you brand yourself as an expert, you are making a promise to the consumer that they can come to you for the best and most current information available. Truly commit to that promise and you will guarantee your success.
Positioning yourself online as an expert in the real estate industry has never been more important. Join us for our FREE webinar, The facebook Strategy that Brands You as the Market Expert, next Thursday, January 24th at 2PM (EST). You can reserve your seat here.