Based on information from the December 2012 REALTORS® Confidence Index Survey, distressed (foreclosed and short sale) property sold at a 16-17 percent discount in December. The discount to market is affected by the property’s physical condition. The … [Read more...]
Distressed Real Estate Sold at 20 Percent Discount in November 2012
Based on information from the November 2012 REALTORS® Confidence Index Survey, foreclosed property sold on average at a 20 percent discount, while short sale properties sold at a 16 percent average discount. The discount to market experienced by … [Read more...]
Distressed Sales at Twenty-four Percent of Market
Based on information from the latest REALTORS® Confidence Index survey, 24 percent of respondents reported selling distressed property (foreclosed and short sales), down substantially from what had been the case a year or two ago. Cash sales … [Read more...]
Thinking Too Fast on Foreclosure Properties
Thinking, Fast and Slow is a book written by a psychologist who won a Nobel Prize in Economics several years back. Daniel Kahneman, the author, pokes at the basic economists’ assumption that people make rational calculations before deciding. His idea … [Read more...]
Distressed Sales Continued to Decline in Market Share
According to the July REALTORS® Confidence Index report (RCI), twenty-four percent of respondents reported selling distressed property (foreclosed and short sales), lower than last year’s figure of 31 percent. Cash sales accounted for 39 percent of … [Read more...]